Sunday, 1 January 2006



The prospect of entering into a new year generates hope in us; hope that the unknown future would be better than the past. But hope must have a basis and a foundation and not a mere wishful contemplation.
The last twelve months recorded some successes in our national life. The successes include gains in the area of debt forgiveness and the war against corruption. For a nation that was about to be drown by the sheer weight of corruption and the national debt, these were times of euphoria.
There were however some major set backs. A nation blessed with enormous resources, and interested in catching up with the developed world has had to contend with far too many forces of retrogression. This is a pointer to a fundamental problem in the economy and in the charged polity. There were also the recent air mishaps leading to the death of hundreds of people. From Government pronouncements, such tragedy could have been avoided, but for our penchant for cutting corners and not doing our jobs thoroughly.
As a people we have engaged in a hide and seek game both in the Church and State. There is so much false claim to piety when from all indications we are not ready to walk with God. In every facet of our lives we are wearing masks. Some of us especially the superlatively religious wearied by the numerous danger signals all around us ask; ‘what else would God have us do that we have not done?’
The answer is simple. Thousands of years ago, God had answered the same question asked by the Israelites through the prophet Micah who declared;
“He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you – but
to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8.
As it was then, so is it even now that God is calling all categories of people in our nation to remove the mask we are wearing in order to walk with Him.
Pastors, Bishops and all religious leaders are called upon to remove the masks and do away with all pretence. It is time to be true Shepherds and feed the flock. False prophets are called upon to remove the mask and stop the exploitation and manipulation of the gullible, unsuspecting flock and stop shouting peace when God has not sent them.
Husbands and wives must remove the mask of unfaithfulness. As it stands today, it is said that no depth of human love can guarantee faithfulness and happiness. As we enter a new year remove the mask and be true to your marital commitment.
Politicians are urged to remove the mask of false promises and self aggrandisement for God’s sake. Stop diverting what is meant for the betterment and upliftment of society for parochial gain. People who have nothing to offer should check their blind political ambition and stop claiming that they have been called to serve. Lazy Civil servants especially Transport and Aviation Officers already have enough human blood on their hands and so are called upon to remove the mask of corruption, ineptitude and lack of regard for human life.
Students, often said to be leaders of tomorrow but are today cheats and cultists are called upon to remove their masks of evil and be true children of God.
Indeed, let all Nigerians remove their masks and let us all walk justly and humbly with God in 2006. Let justice flow like streams of water, for; justice delayed is justice denied. The mask of pretence and hypocrisy are to be removed if we are to have peace with God and progress as a nation.
The Holy Scripture tells us that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Sin, especially that of corruption has continued to thwart our developmental efforts in the last forty-five (45) years. We have to make a conscious and deliberate effort to make up our minds and choose whom we shall serve; God or Mammon.
Sowing and reaping are irrevocable laws of God in nature; we cannot sow corruption and expect to reap progress. The year 2006 will be the last full year in the life of the present administration and it provides the last opportunity for the rulers and the ruled to make a difference. Let us seize this opportunity to take our nation forward by building a peaceful and prosperous nation through the fear of God, honesty, hard work and doing justice to all manner of people.
This is another opportunity to turn a new leaf. The year ahead is clean, open and ready for us to leave our marks upon. If we turn to God, repenting of our sins, removing all the evil marks of deception, corruption and wickedness, and dedicate ourselves to the goals of the fear of God, honesty, justice and selfless service to humanity – we can safely anchor our hope for the best in God who never fails.


The Most Rev. Peter J. Akinola, CON, DD.
Primate of All Nigeria and
National President, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN)