December 23, 2005
As we celebrate another Christmas, we thank God for all His mercies towards us as individuals and as a nation. The main reason for joy and celebration is that at the fullness of time, God sent to us His only begotten Son to deliver us from our sins. Christ came into the world at a time such as this to give us joy, peace and eternal life.
Christmas means different things to different people. For many, it is a time to buy and sell; for others, it is party, picnics or holiday period when they eat special meals. For such at best it is a Christless Christmas, celebrating a feast they know nothing about the one behind the feast.
Looking at our lives and our nation today, we can say that Prophet Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 29:13 aptly describes us when he said:
“These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me; teaching as doctrines the commandments of men”.
Christmas is the time Christians in a special way commemorate the incarnation; prayerfully appropriate it’s import and diligently study Him in scripture “Christ in you the hope of glory”.
Christmas essentially reminds us of God’s sacrificial love and self emptying to reconcile us to Himself. Without accepting this truth, we have no business in this celebration. The joy and peace that comes with Christmas does not depend on the size of our bank accounts or material possessions but from God’s redeeming love and grace. Therefore, the greatest gift God has given to us is His son who came to die for us to redeem us from the slavery of sin. He is the reason for the season. As we celebrate, we should not allow other things to overshadow this fact.
This season gives us the opportunity to re-examine our lives and change our ways. The successes of the recent War against Corruption in our nation should serve as a warning to all those yet to be apprehended, that it is no longer business as usual. As we celebrate, let us keep in focus the theme of repentance, reconciliation and healing in our minds. Let us humble ourselves and confess our sins to God.
We must not forget the needy in our midst. Due to a number of factors many have been made homeless; many are not sure of the next meal and as they look around, all they can see is a bleak future. Let us remember the downtrodden because Christmas is a time for giving. The Wise-men brought their best but Christ showed that the gift of self will out-give all the rest. Christmas is also a time of healing. Let us take steps as individuals and as a nation to do all we can to bring about reconciliation and healing in families and the nation.
As we celebrate this Christmas, let us remember the reason for the season, and keep on saying with the Angels…”Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men”.
The Most Rev. Peter J. Akinola, CON, DD.
Primate of All Nigeria (Anglican Communion)
And the National President, Christian
Association of Nigeria (CAN)