Tuesday, 4 January 2005

Church of Nigeria gets new Acting Director of Youth and Women Affairs
By Peter Onwubuariri
January 4, 2005- The Revd. Canon Benjamin Idume has joined the Abuja Secretariat of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) as the new Acting Director of Youth and Women Affairs.
Until his appointment, he was Vicar of the Good Shepherd Church Port Harcourt, Rivers State in the Diocese of Niger Delta North.
Ordained in 1996, Canon Idume has been involved in youth ministry as a lay worker in addition to having served as the National Prayer Director of the Anglican Youth Fellowship (Nigeria), 1987-2001.
"The youth and women are the livewire of the Church and they constitute 70 per cent of our congregation in the Nigerian Church. One major challenge is to improve youth participation in the Anglican worship and to stir our women into committed service to Our God," Canon Idume told the Church of Nigeria News.
He is married to Joy and blessed with three children. His appointment took effect from January 1, 2005.